Monday, December 23, 2013

A scuffle in the middle

I was super late to the party on Saturday, not making it in until 5:30, but I still managed to snag a game versus Troy's Zoraida crew, before diving into Dark Heresy.

The strategy was of course Reckoning, again, always, perpetually. He ran his Zoraida crew that he has been practicing in prep for Genghiscon(books are out know, get registered, Malifaux is on Sunday. 3024 I believe). I was trying the Desolation Engine bomb without Rusty Alyce, because I don't think Burn Out is as good as others do for this instance. I ran Tara with Knowledge of Eternity, Dead of Winter, and Obliteration Symbiote, DE with Tally Sheet, Kill Joy with Tally Sheet, Death Marshal, and three Void Wretches. I took A Line in the Sand and Outflank, he took A line in the Sand and Take Prisoner. The Desolation was planted on the other side of the board turn one, but due to the armor on the Waldegeists, it didn't do much. He Hemmed it however, which did a lot. On turn two I brought out Kill Joy and put away the DE, but Kill Joy became over zealous and killed a Waldegeist with a negative flip Red Joker. This brought the DE back out, who, of course, promptly died. The Aboms lived though, so he didn't get Reckoning. Turn three was the scrum in the middle that you saw in the first picture. Because everyone had 1" melee ranges, nobody was engaged and we both deleted scheme markers and placed our own. This little fun play back and forth would eventually hurt us both as we couldn't play as many Sand markers as we wanted because we hadn't watched our spacing as closely as we probably should have. Kill Joy was Hemmed and I accidentally killed him while trying to bury him so the Wretches could heal him on four. On turn four Tara "killed" Bad Juju while trying to bury him on her own terms so that the Wretches could kill him. Instead the DM buried the Spawn Mother and the Wretches killed her, negating the four egg markers on the board. I am beginning to think a stronger Void Wretch presence against Troy's crew may be hugely beneficial. I may even add in Karina to get some burning in there. On turns four and five Troy was able to start taking down my Void Wretches and get their scheme markers, dropping me to two for A Line in the Sand. The Death Marshal held the center easily, since he was a non-target to get Take Prisoner, and an Abomination from the DE held the left center, giving me two points there. I only managed the one Reckoning, while Troy grabbed two. He also got full points for his schemes and beat me 8-4. A good game and up until turn four I was very much in it. I think had I waited and tried to get Kill Joy buried at the top of the turn, I may have been able to do more for the end game. On the other hand, he could have just died first.

I am working on another list that I would like to run that doesn't actually have anything above a minion, save Tara. It will bring out a DE and send him across turn one, but its plays out different. Check back later in the week or possibly early next week to see how it went.

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