Monday, August 2, 2010

Week in review

I plan to throw up some weekly updates, in hopes of keeping my self on task and on target. I have already signed up for Tacticon in both Fantasy and 40K, so I need to get cracking with only a month left to go.

I finished painting the base coat of my Thousand Sons Acolytes, and started in on the terminators, getting most of the blue painted, but thats about it. Sounds kinda pitiful, and with the dark color of the blue and the black primer, it looks even more so. So, no picture for those, just have to take my word for it.

I was able to get in 2 games with me list on Sunday. Both 3 ways against 'Nids and Sisters. The first was sieze and control with standard set up. Went pretty well. I marshalled my forces, advancing out of my deployment to engage the Sisters, then pulling back my Sons to control my objective, and fend of the encroaching 'Nids. In the Nid deployment zone, he only left some Warriors, but since nobody was really headed that way, they were in prime position to hold that objective. That just wouldn't do! So, my Daemon Prince stepped up, deep striking in and drawing both the Warriors and a unit of Hive Guard into a protracted combat, which saw the Guard dead early, and the Warriors hurting when the end came and only the Prince was in range of the objective. Across the board the Sisters held their objective, some of my Sons held mine. Sisters and Acolytes draw, Nids lose.

The second game was kill points. I toasted this one. The Sisters became mostly fodder for the other two armies. I did plenty of mopping up after the Nids, finishing off squads and taking points. I also took down plenty of Nids along the way as well. The next round would have seen the Nids doing some catch up, but to Calvin's dismay, there was no next turn.

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