Sunday, September 5, 2010

Tacticon Day 2 - Warhammer Fantasy

This tournament could have gone better. I finished 10th, but there were only 18 players. Still middle of the field, which was my goal, and saying 10th sounds nice. I should have done better, finishing painting would have given me at least 9th. Having played my first game to completion would likely have given me many more, but more on that later.

Game 1 was the worst game I have had, pry ever. I had this one won in deployment. He was also playing Tomb Kings. He only had 4 units, 2 Tomb Guard, 2 Archers. He set up the Archers in a wide line, then placed his Guard behind them, with one slightly to one side. His deployment left his Tomb Guard locked in his own back field. He was able to circle one around and get into my Chariots flank, but that left his flank wide open for me to tear into. I also had a Swarm marker between his Archer lines, ready to wreck, and a Scorp marker ready to lock up his back field Guard, and another behind his flanking Guard. I wasn't at all worried how this game would go. I had the setup, I had the pieces, it would only be time before I tore his army apart. *sigh* Time. The bastard was incredibly slow, dragging play to a stand still. I only played 2 turns, he played 3. My Swarms and Scorps never came on, the Bulk of my army never got close to his. I can't count the number of times I told him "They're the same, you need 4's." This game left an incredibly sour taste in my mouth, nearly ruining the day.
15-5 Him

Warriors of Chaos
Game 2 went much better. I got slaughtered, but much better. Well, I guess slaughtered isn't the best word. My first mistake was Frenzy. He had a unit of Knights with Frenzy, so, I set up some Light Horse to redirect him away from my flank, and clear my Chariots to charge him the next turn. Under the old rule, Frenzy charged the nearest unit, under the new rules, they just have to charge A unit. So, in the clever angling of my horse, I left room for his unit to flank charge my Chariots, putting them in prime position to come up my line. My archers would be their next kill, but they never really made my casket. My Tomb Guard managed to get into their line thugh, aided by my Ushabti, with the Ushabti managing to charge both his Nurgle unit, and his Tzeentch unit that my Guard was assaulting. The Ushabti held the Nurgle to the end, and killing the opposing Sorcerer in the Tzeentch unit. The Guard weren't able to finish the Tzeentch, but I believe would have had time not ran out. My Swarms were able to protect my flank, holding the Marauder Horsemen at bay. A scorpion also hit the rear of his Tzeentch unit. His Hellfire Cannon failed a leadership second turn and took itself out of play. In the end he was still able to take the massacre.
17-3 Him.

Warriors of Chaos....Again
Game 3 went my way pretty early on. Deployment actaully. It was the scenario in which you roll for everyone as the deploy, on a 1, they don't. He had 2 characters not come with their units, I had to units not come on with their characters. This meant that he had 2 units that held back for their leaders. I, on the other hand, deployed my characters alone, and used them alone, so the come-along-later units didn't effect them. Then I seized the initiative, putting his aggressive deployment on the back foot. Now, instead of charging me with his Chariot first turn, my Ushabti charged his Chariot. It also meant that I had 2 turns of full movement, while his characters came on, and joined their units. With half his army in the back, I was able to take him apart piece by piece. My Guard took out his large block of Marauders, my Ushabti his Chariot, my Guard finished his trolls that my scorp started, Casket killed Hellcannon crew, Tomb Scorpion killed Hellcannon itself, though only had 1 wound left. Archers killed Knights to a man, leaving his General all alone, and out of charge(at me) range, his last turn. His other hange back unit was Warriors on foot, and I managed to draw back enough in the last turn that they failed his charge. The last turn was mostly me backing up, trying to hold my victory, with the archers on the Knights. Solid win for me, massacre by new rules. Closest of the games I played, I think we were pretty well matched, with my first turn luck really pushing me to the win.
Final: 17-3 Me

Over all a pretty good day. Come Ghengis, if they go to a 40k 2 day tournament, I think I will have a tough time, but as of now I think dropping Fantasy for 40K seems likely. Just not enough games. Started going to tournaments to get more games in, and now I am not getting enough games to go to tournaments, go figure. Just tired of walking up and getting it handed to me. My army was weak, my skill is sad.

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