Friday, May 3, 2013

OTT: Finite Infinities


What the hell is that crap? OMG, its Infinity. That is correct, folks. I am going to paint up my Infinity models. Mostly they are just starting to bother me. They are incredibly fragile, and I want them out of my carry case and in the display case so I don't have to repair them any more.


I am also working on ladders. Wait, no I'm not.

OH, that right, they are the details for the walls on my Infinity board. Yeah, you thought that was never gonna see the light of day again. Well, it can, from the dark corner I keep them in across from the window. Barely. I have a couple sections complete, enough to show one side of the hall. I am thinking of painting the base all black, then going up through grey for the three layers of these pieces. I hope to give plenty of depth where there really isn't any so that it won't affect play. I also think they kinda look like pillars which fits the whole Greek theme of Aleph and the actual pillars already in parts of the board. I am taking the one table section with the new card wall bits for second opinions this Saturday.

I hope to have the Garuda ready for paint for Saturday, when I will be painting all my Aleph at Paint Night. Look forward to seeing you all there.

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