Wednesday, December 11, 2013

TMI: Leveticus goes elite

I managed to squeeze in a game of Malifaux against Troy in on Saturday. I ran the newest Leveticus against his Zoraida crew. I went with what was then Pariah of Iron, it has since changed to Pariah of Ash. He went with a heavily minion crew. More on that after the break.

We of course flipped Reckoning... again. We did have corner deployment. I took Leveticus, Rusty, Bishop, Hans, 3 Aboms, and 3 Waifes. I was working a synergistic crew, with Rusty having the upgrade for making Waifes have a gun, Bishop gave out significant, but killed 'em if they interacted. Hans just sat in the back, shooting, and acting waife rear guard. I had misjudged the distance Hans and Rusty would be separated. This meant that they Waifes were actually pretty clumped, basically both going down in a activation. I used Bishops Waife at one point, but that just put Leveticus WAY out of position. Troy was able to use Bad Juju to kill both Waifes on the next turn, leaving me with no portals for Leveticus, since Bishop had died. I may have made the wrong choice in trying to save Leveticus by screaming back to center to bring out another Waife, instead I should have kept along the back line, trying to get Breakthrough. The whole battle report can be found here, so I won't rehash it all here. Basically, I found the new Unnatural Wasting lack luster against Troys crew. I may used Unmaking instead, but I was having enough trouble shooting with Rusty as it was, I don't think Leveticus's gun spell would have helped.

In the end we had to call due to time, since after hours was canceled. The game looked like it was headed for a 4-7 loss for me, but may have come out a 5-5 draw if I could have killed a key model, netting both Reckoning and breaking his Protect Territory. Ah, well, its all lost to the wind.

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