Monday, September 29, 2014

Alyce Rocks it Out

I managed to get in three games(well, 2-1/2) this weekend using my Feast Henchman tournament list. The list is an iteration of my previous Henchman Tourney list.
Rusty Alyce - From the Aether and Desolate Soul
Ashes and Dust - Oath Keeper
Desolation Engine - Oath Keeper
2 Abominations
3 SS
As before, I am super happy with the list. I also think my scheme choosing is improving. Let us just hope it can continue doing so at the event.

My first game was on Saturday versus Patrick. He was running Nicodem, slightly toned down, with a couple changes, due partly to the less points(only 40) and partly to try new things. One of the things he dropped was Mortimer. We were playing story encounters, and I was the attacker for Theft, while he pulled Search the Hideout. The addition of the two Abominations is huge. It gives me a pair of outside objective runner, which can also do support. I had thought of adding Void Wretches instead, being faster and giving slow, when needed, but I think abominations are the way to go. In this game, I had Ashes skirt the left of center, snagging a marker along the way, while most of my crew went up the center, to face most of his crew. He was able to get a Guild Autopsy up to my deployment zone kinda to my right, behind a chunk of terrain from Rusty, snagging him two or three points for the strategy. Another Abomination grabbed a gem, while Ashes snagged another after charging the Graveyard Spirit. He also was doing a fair job getting me with Distract and dropping Breakthrough markers. I also had Distract, but I was doing terribly with it. However, I did much better with my second scheme, Frame for Murder, netting two points, and also the strategy, which had me setting on full. At the beginning of four, I pulled Ashes and Dust to a scrap Alyce had dropped, the charged Izamu, killing him too easily, before I used the crow for the Abomination. Then my Distracted Aboms formed up, losing Distracted. Alyce also circled back and blasted the Autopsy in my backfield, stop his strategy. At this point, he had no Distracts with 2 points, 2 Breakthrough markers, and 2 for the strategy. I had 4 for strategy, 2 for Frame, and 1 for Distract. He only had Nicodem left, so I was stuck at 7, but as I could remove his Breakthroughs, and he was unlikely to get another Distract, it looked like an easy win for me. A great game, all my stuff went very well. However, I had used Oathkeeper to give Ashes and Dust Fast, which he can't have. It is almost enough to make me think of dropping the upgrade for something else. If scramble wasn't a stone more in a full list, I would have switched already.

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