Sunday, September 11, 2022

Double Down on Double Fun


So, I may have said "later this week," but at least I'm only one day late.

With Dylan and I both not making top 8(shocker), he was planning to enter the double tournament on Sunday. I was hoping to con it up, since I hadn't been in years, and I knew that focusing on a single game all weekend isn't always that great. My plan was to step into to run a GM wanted "Teach Me Malifaux" event. But, being me, I also offered to fill in if they needed a teammate.

Dumb ....

At first, it was looking like I was good to go, and I even told the con peoples it was looking that way. But, when I got back to the game room, somebody else had shown up, playing Clones. So, he would play with Dylan, and Byron(sorry if I spelled it wrong) and I would team up in a mismatch CIS and Shadow Collective team.

Off to the races.

Our list(as I remember)


Maul, stuff from yesterday sans Force Choke(I would miss it)(Dark Saber, Tenacity, Improvised Orders)

2 Blacksuns - Vigo

3 Mandos -  Shields, Rockets; I dropped Rook



AAT Tank

6 Units of B1s, naked, except one that had an extra dude.

Game one was versus Empire. I didn't get lists for this one, so it is mostly memory. 

Deployment: Dissarray

Mission: Bombing Run(x2)

Condition: Minefield(x2)

We were red, but it didn't really matter. Both my opponent and my partner did a lot of arguing with me for this. We had a deployment advantage, but they wanted to deploy "faster" so we went down at the same time. Deployment went like this(for basically all tables). One player in each corner, partners on the diagonal. I did deploy Maul with the CIS, as he would use more of the orders and we could share orders. I'm good with using my stack. 

Opponent list as I remember:

Player 1(on my side):

2 AT-STs, both got bombs

Storm troopers, snow troopers, other troopers

Player 2(opposite me)

Shore troopers, emplacement(eweb?), death troopers, Krenic, other trooper

Turn one, I sling Maul along the opposite edge, towards the player with foot troops. I get inside move 2 of his Shore Troopers that had moved up and go standby. The idea being to move into them if anything moves up to shoot him. I think I have my Phantom Menace card up, so Maul can't be shot outside 2. All three other players argue with me, heatedly, that I need to take a dodge. I don't want to give away my secret, but eventually, I just get pissed and dodge. Maul gets shot, would have triggered standby first, in Shore Troopers showing his dirty ugly teeth. Instead, I spend the dodge to deflect, get zero surges, and Maul spend the turn eating blaster fire. Byron's table end is movement and AT-STs and the AAT trading fire. My end is me moving up Mandos(2 with bombs, Maul has the other) and doing scary rawr things.

Turn two, Maul plays magic, isn't enough, dead before he activates. Hunh, who would have thought. My partner is apologetic, but it's done. I send an Enforcer unit and a Mando unit along the long edge to threaten my opponents bomb carrier that isn't a giant chicken, and eventually kill it. He picks it up with another, but they aren't long for this world. And with them basically still in his zone, it will be a kill grab, boom. But we don't get that far. 

On the other side, I lose a unit of Mandos, but the Enforcers easily grab the bomb and keep going. I kill the eweb, and my opponent just alternates from trying to stop me or Grievous from moving to his zone. Turn 2, we find out both teammates can drop a bomb, so Grievous drops his and the Mandos theirs. It hits pretty much everything in his army. He managed to clear my Mandos' shields, but they make it anyway. Also, I'm Shadow Collective, life is cheap. Complete the mission, then go hire more mercs.

Round three he drops one of the chicken's bombs, my partner has 2 on the zone along my edge, and I have the Enforcers drop a second on the zone across from me.

The game is called. We have some time left, but my team is up 4-1, with 1 bomb resting, 1 enemy bomb likely to go off, and every other enemy bomb locked into their own zones.

At this point, things sour. Byron and the guy beside me put a lot of the weight on the guy who was across from me. He had a lot of weight coming his way. The only reason the other player got any points was because of his walkers. Nothing he had was out of zone either. But nobody is listening to me, and it isn't good.

Anyway, we are the only ones who have finished. It is at this point that I realize, Byron and I... have done f...... up. We have gone from a couple of guys playing their stuff, up to the guys who have PLANNED for this event.


Game 2:

Okay, things just got real. I should lay it out, I don't really like doubles events. In any system. You get guys who are just playing with their buddy, or threw together a fun team list, or just got paired that morning and have what they threw together last minute. And then you have the guys who built synergy into combo into game breaking Rube Goldberg machine. 

Opponents list(s):[It was all mooshed]

2 AATs, 3 units of STAPs, Kalani, 8+ units of droids, Bossk(cause, why not), Tactical Droid.

Deployment: Standard edges

Mission: Supplies(x2)

Condition: Poor Vis(maybe)

I infiltrate Maul. Crap, can't grab box first turn(his card), oh well, I will put him on the flank. Turn one, charge into the STAPs, standby. Remember how I learned vehicles don't lock in combat? No you don't, cause I didn't. And now Maul dies for my incompotence. No worries, Maul is usually dead anyway.

I should point out that Byron and I played this wrong. I put a box across from theirs, thinking we could fight. Heh. Nope, right way. All of our should have gone on our end, theirs on theirs, and we only fight over the middle. This has quickly become my least favorite mission, but maybe it was the setting. Anyway, the rest of the boxes Byron sets up, so they are better. 

Game: Maul dead, try to grab boxes, they grab boxes, we cover middle, quickly realize we can't hold onto boxes, they murder us some, they murder us some more, Byron suggests just calling it(I hate doing that to my opponent)(I was wrong), club some baby seals, Byron says "F it," doesn't even ask me, just calls it(Byron was right). 

This is exactly why I don't like doubles events. I just play the wrong side. And not matter how "just for fun" they are claimed to be, they are the most cutthroat events I have ever played.

That aside, I never should have gone for boxes. My only job should have been murdering B1s. Screaming across the board, kill everything that can grab a box. Byron can grab boxes if he wants, I want blood(well, oil) on my hands. Live and learn.

To top things off, there was an odd number of teams. So one team got a bye. Round two was Dylan's team. It was suggested that the teams play each other so they at least get a game. But Dylan's a-hole partner refused. So Dylan would only get one game. I only played so this a-hole could have a partner. What the...


However, the BA TO Joe stepped in and played Dylan a game on the table he really wanted to play on. Dylan had a fantastic time and Joe ROCKS. Honestly, couldn't have turned out better. So, despite my wenjing(sp?), the day was well worth it.

Thank you to Joe for making it an absolute win!

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