Wednesday, July 11, 2012

State of the 'faux

Or maybe it should be titled "I miss you, 5th Ed 40K Apathy."
I ran a faction tournament on Saturday, it flopped. Hard. Like a fish. Off a cliff. Over looking Hell. Over dramatic? Mayhaps. But it was bad. Only four players showed up and one of them was me. Two of them played a 40K game instead. Smoking. However, I did manage to get in a game versus Patrick and his new Nicodem crew, plus one of my crooligans.

A good game, I ran Leveticus, two Crooligans, canine, Hooded Rider, and Jack Daw. He took Nico, Mortimer, my Crooligan, Vulture, and three Punk Zombies. He had a Line in the Sand, I had Turf War. He took Bodyguard and hidden Frame for Murder on a Punk. I took Grudge on the Vulture and Stake a Claim. I started strong, turning a Punk into a Waife and then another into a SPA. Unfortunately, the Waife came from Frame for Murder Punk, ah the well. Hooded Rider came up the side, shrugging off Paralyze when I remembered he was immune to influence and thus Rigamortis. He the used mounted combat while locked with a punk to kill him and then push past into combat with Nico, Mortimer, and some walking corpses. Then Mortimer proved there was more than one way to paralyze a rider.
This is about midgame, and now is when I bog down. Up till this point, I have been able to control the corpse counters on the board. Now, some are starting to drop, giving him options, including using my Rogue Necromancy. To kill the Hooded Rider for instance. I would like to point out that Jack Daw betrayed me three times this game. The third time cost him his unlife.
The Vulture eluded me all game, I just didn't have the stuff to send after him. The canine died, the waifes got busy, a Crooligan died, the other was playing distraction. Just wasn't worth it I guess. Should have grudged my Crooligan, as much for being a traitor, as being an in game threat. Damn thing lit 3 of the dynamites. Stupid Jack Daw lit the fourth, betrayers everywhere.
It ended 7-5 to me. He got 2 for strategy, and all his schemes(one hidden). I snagged everything but that twice cursed Vulture, plus killing that bastard Jack Daw.
I don't think Patrick caught on that I had decided I couldn't unlight two dynamite markers and just played to get my strat and stake a claim at the end. I hadn't planned to kill Daw, but was worried that he might burn my hand and manage to finish him to tie things up. Great game, I wish Patrick had played in the league a resser would have been sweet, but he has a woman and we all know how that works.
This was also a Dead Heat game, so two points toward taking the South Slums, awesome!
This weekend will see me at Gryphon's for a tournament not run by me. Sweet. Hope to do well, and maybe remember to shoot some pictures.

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