I managed to get in another two day game fest. Fest may not be the right word, as both days were fairly light on games. I even managed to squeeze in a game of 40K.
On Friday, I managed to drag both Troy and Nabors to the store. First up was Troy with some Malifaux. He played Collodi, I played Leveticus. He had Collodi, 4 marionettes, 3 wicked dolls, 2 stitchs, the mysterious, brutal, and arcane effigies. A metric butt ton of models. I however had a light crew with Molly, Lazarus, Jack Daw, and a Canine. Strategies was my Turf War versus his Treasure Hunt.I took Bodyguard Molly and Breakthrough. He ended up killing Jack Daw, since he could just put out so many magical hits, and I couldn't keep enough cards. Didn't make a terrible amount of difference, since I couldn't get his denial aura to go off anyway. Jack Daw can be super useful or super dead, it all depends on my draws. I did make one major mistake that cost me the game, but I didn't realise it until the next day on my way back to Hobby Town, when all I could do was laugh. Troy got a marionette into my Lazarus, shutting down his shooting. I won initiative, but needed to get rid of the Marionette before I could rain death into Troy's bunched up crew. I activated someone else, killed the Marionette, but Lazarus died before I could activate him. On the way back, I remembered Lazarus has Melee Expert. He could have killed the Marionette, and still shot his three shots, AND healed. Ah the well. I did however move Leveticus up at one point, smack the stitcheds down and then drop his two wound aura, killing both and a wicked doll, saweet. In the end, I was wiped off the table, though Troy didn't get his full points. A rough game for me that I definitely could have played better. I also didn't even think about Collodi when I built my crew, and I should have. Troy has been favouring him lately, and my crew would have been better against other Neverborn crews. I'm not sure what I would have taken instead, probably dropped Jack and maybe Molly, but not sure what I would have replaced them with.
The second game on Friday was versus Nabors. We switched gears and grabbed Infinity. I took my 200 point list, which adds a Garuda(I like this guy) and two more Dakinis, one with a combirifle and light grenade launcher. Nabors wanted to try out a tag list for his Pan O, and took two different TAGs and an Orc. That was it. We played on the red rock board(see picture), I like it as an alternative to always playing my complex board. Variety is good. I had first turn. I started by trying to move a Dakini up to a forward position, realising that he had to enter line of fire of the Orc to get where he wanted to go, crud. Tried anyway. He died. OK, on to other things. I moved my TAG up and took some shots on one of his TAGs and actually managed to take it down. That ended my turn. His turn... make a new LT. OH, didn't even think of that. K, so now his Orc is the LT. Garuda time. I drop him in about where the first Tag was, out of LOF of the second one and zone of control. Next order, move my Garuda up, fire at the TAG, he turn to face, I drop the normal shotgun, so I get a template, but it is short of getting the Orc. Now that he is turned, my TAG moves in and shoots. He turn his TAG back. I then start back in with the Garuda, he refuses to turn his back on the TAG, and I AP shoot him to death. Then a quick Orc cleaning and all done. A quick game, The Pan O, just doesn't have the orders with those two big TAGs.
By this time it must be getting late, cause everyone has run off and I'm all alone. It was like 5. Pansies.
Day two, game one. It has been a long haul, but I'm still trucking. Or something like that. Anyway, my first game today is versus Troy in 40K. Thats right, the big boy is back. I played my Eldar/Dark Eldar list, because I just can't seem to get a list I like for Chaos. Troy ran Nids of course. I made the mistake of taking second turn in the Scouring. I see objectives, I auto go second. I am finding this to be a bad choice, and I think its due to the edition. In the last edition, I went second, my Seer Council weathered some fire, brought up Fortune, and spent the rest of the game wrecking face. This edition, things move to fast. His flyrants are in my face turn one, with deep striking(Gate of Infinity) Zoanthropes. My seer council crumpled. There was some confusion on instant death on my Farseers, he thought they were toughness 3, I didn't bother to ask strength, some instant deaths that should have just been wounds, but either way the warlocks were toast either way. From this point on it was basically small victories. My combat drugs gave me a pain token to start the game, awesome! Too bad I was in bad shape before any DE showed up. I also managed to kill a squad with both my Reavers and my Hellions the turns they came on. Yep, I said turnS. to make things worse, I rolled a 2 to bring in the hellions. In the end I was tabled. I maybe should have asked for a restart, but there was always hope, and maybe a little stubbornness, that I might be able to do something, anything. All my cards in the council can be a bit rough. I am still enjoying the list, and I am glad I pulled it out. Next week I might try Chaos, but in all likelihood it will be Doom and Gloom again, they just be more fun. Even in defeat.
Game two was versus Patrick and a Ariadna list he put together. I ran the same 200 point list as I did the day before. Of course, for this one I painted the black on my Marut, but no pictures, so no proof(see the neon pink above). This game went fairly well, with it running till the end of four. A six round game and I might have been able to push it further my way, but I am happy with the results. I moved a Dakini up one side, getting in some shots. The Marut followed getting some more. After the dust cleared, I had knocked two models unconscious and was feeling good. Except they weren't unconscious, they had No Wound Incapacitation, which my opponent thought they still counted as unconscious. Hmmmm, that's trouble. And it was. Not terribly so, but one was his Doctor, so he brought all kinds of people back. Crud. Okay, regroup, now what's he got? Oh, a couple adhesive launchers. He manages to sticky a Dakini with a camo markered dude. But I still get the order, so no worries. He did remove a netrod. I take this turn to do some shooting, but not actually killing on his guys while moving up the TAG. I need to move into combat, since I have an objective to kill two of his models in close combat. This is a gamble that likely leads to the death of the Marut, but I felt worth it. My Marut does manage to kill all but two of his models, one in the backfield and the camo guy. We are both in loss of LT and retreat. I have a stickied Dakini, and two others. The Garuda doesn't make the table because I went into retreat before it arrived. At this point, I have Decimate(kill more than half), the close combat one, and possibly the kill his highest one. Decimate was my double, so I am at 3-4. My hope is to make it over to kill his flag. I also realise its not a close combat thing, so my models can still do it. I forsake one Dakini, using orders to cancel the impetuous when I need to and move my Dakini towards his flag. There was never any real chance of making it. He does similar, putting his orders into the camo guy. He also stickied my forsaken Dakini at this point. His camo guy plants a marker and moves into my deployment, giving him 3 points(the infiltrate one was announced). In the end, it turned out I killed his most expensive guy, but it was tied with one that was still alive, who had a higher SWC. I don't think the SWC counts, but since it made it either a win or tie for me, I'm good. I'll chalk this one as a tie. It was a fun game, way better than the ones before, and I think most of that was due to the fact that Patrick likes the play of this force much better. I could tell from across the table, too.
The only thing I might have done wrong was the Garuda. I should have spent the orders to drop him and shoot the flag, or at least drop him. He wouldn't have been in any real danger, but even in retreat he could have nabbed the flag. I knew I was risking my TAG, but I underestimated that risk. It didn't help that I took two wounds in one shot. I still don't find adhesives that much of a threat. Maybe it is because I tend to "rambo," and it doesn't cost me any orders. I can still pile everything onto another model, even if it isn't my TAG. I also still think that people overestimate my TAG. It becomes an advantage to me and my other bots. Well, more games will tell the story better.
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