Wednesday, November 7, 2012

TMI:And so it Begins(almost)

It has been a while, but I haven't been MIA, just not posting. I recently picked up some infinity, in prep for a new grow league. I chose Aleph, and have had 5 or 6 games. So, far, I am liking it. My list is a Marut TAG, a Dakini, and 3 net rods. A fairly simple list, with almost all of the power being in the TAG, but the Dakini has shown its usefulness on a couple of occasions, but more on that later. First, I want to go into my Malifaux game. My first game was against Troy's Collodi list, using my Ramos. I had Escape and Survive with Assassinate and Bodyguard. Troy had Supply Wagon with Bodyguard and Stake a Claim. My list was Kang, James' Mobile Toolkit, and 2 swarms. He ran Collodi, 4 Marionettes " 3 Wicked Dolls, a Stitched, and the Mysterious, Brutal, and Arcane Effigies. The cards weren't with me this game, but that's not what lost me the game. I did a text book Escape and Survive, with the Swarms moving up either side from my diagonal deployment and splitting to give me 120% surviving models. They are all that survived. Bad scheme choice is what cost me the game. I did some bad activation order that cost me some, and some bad cards hurt me on another turn, but my crew did plenty to guaranty my strategy. Ramos just doesn't bring the hurt I need to break off 18 points of my crew. A similar Leve crew would have done it, but... I enjoy playing Ramos, but I have trouble bringing it to the table with him. If I do keep playing him, I am definitely going to have to pick up a Mobile Toolkit. I don't care if its a crutch!

My first Infinity game was against Nate's new Ariadna list. I call it the Yipe Yipe Yipe. Though, that isn't really the lists fault. Not really sure what is in the list, a Cameronian, an Antipode Pack, and a few line troopers of some sort, 2 with Adhesive Launchers. This was supposed to be my first league game, but I guess they don't count yet. Anywho, the game started by me giving Nate Deployment AND first turn. I wanted to see some back foot action, but I don't think it matters much for my list. Turn one saw him move aggressively towards my lines and my Net Rods. I had one to the side on my right, with my Marut and the other two on the other side of a long wall with my Dakini, slightly to my left. His Cameronian pushed up on my right rod and TAG, but then wussed or something and pulled back, a mistake I believe, but I still don't know the why, so... He then(turn 1 or 2) moved an adhesive up to net my TAG, but I killed him did instead. This may have happened before he pulled back, and prompted it, can't remember. My turn, I moved my TAG across to join the Dakini, leaving one rod unattended. This put a long wall between me and his drooling dog(Cameronian) who then took the bait, killing the lonely rod, but leaving a long trek between him and me. Meanwhile, his pack moved up, got discovered, got flamed, got killed. He had another adhesive, and this one got my TAG. In hindsight, I should have asked "with what" when he said he was going to shoot me, and I shouldn't have had to, but ah the well. My Dakini enacted revenge and killed the last Antipode. With Strategos lvl 3, my LT was able to give his order to the Dakini, meaning it was Ramboing around with 5 orders still. It promptly chased a couple of his line troops down a hall, one likely his LT, killed them, putting him in retreat, the continued on to also get the Antipode Controller, leaving only the Cameronian who still hadn't made it to the fun side of the board. I think the Dakini may have got him, but it didn't matter, with 5 orders to 3 and him in retreat, he never could have caught my Dakini, and eventually attrition would have won my way. A good game, the Adhesive sucks, but not that much. If he can't finish the job, I am hardly finished.

My second game was versus Nabors' Pan O. He used the box list I made for him. He did some damage to me, but not a lot. His list takes some serious manoeuvring to get through, he can cover almost any route with some serious fire power(more on that in game four). I managed to jockey into position to take out his key elements though, and was able to take another win.

Game three was versus Shaffer's Yu Jing. K, so, I fear this army. The others can move around and do their thing, but they aren't terribly fast. This force has two bikes. These guys move like 12" on a single order. He can get to my back field and pick me apart before I get to breathe. He also has a Combat Jump ninja bitch. Can get ugly.... If he piles his orders into the right models. He didn't. He came zipping up turn one with a bike, I'm thinking, to knock out a stick(net rod) before I can go, already putting me down an order. His bike moves up, then he switches to the other bike. Turn ends. I fire up Marut, come in behind his first bike and slag it.(Maybe not that quick, but the end was the same) Then move off to take his other bike. He drops his ninja in the middle of my stuffs on a last or next to last order. He is in my zone of control, I get to react, I turn to face with my weeny little Dakini(HA! See game 1). I kill that guy, and go into clean up. I am adding a Garuda to my list at 200pts, and so I have been watching and thinking about Combat Jump. I don't think its a drop into the crap and kill everything ability. If you're too close, I get a Zone of Control ARO, and will face you. I think its more drop a bit away, the pile on orders, move in, make the kill(s). I also think it needs to be used early in the turn, so that you have the orders to pile onto your trooper, and to keep him from falling off the board. I do think that as Shaffer gets a handle on his force, I am going to have to play far more defensively, his mobile elements are more mobile than mine, and that's saying something!

Game four. This one was the kicker. It was versus Nabors again. And some dumb ass told him about Suppression Fire. Oh, that would be me. He set up some ugly corridors, not leaving me a lot of options. I had forced him to swap me sides, as he had played two consecutive games in the same zone and set up the same way, he needed out of his rut. He even managed to set up so that my Dakini actually became my go to. The Marut just didn't have the safe lines of movement I needed. All the same, my first turn only saw the missile launcher dead. I was the one feeling the indecision this time, but I could see it in my actions and went about shaking it off turn two. His turn was mostly more positioning and suppression fire. I saw my opening and move up with the Dakini, using cautious movement to get into position. However, his Croc took this time to show he would have a nice backside shot on my Dakini next turn. This led me to a now or never mentality. Using the last of my orders I screamed up my Marut to target his LT and Croc in one awesome flame strike on my last order. The LT failed his first arm roll, but not his second and croccy just laughed. Oh, the crap! K, things I have learned: My general strategy of quick, side strikes with the Marut and even the Dakini -> Effective; Using the ignored Dakini as a bad ass -> Effective; Shoving the Marut in the middle of a bees nest and planning on coming out on top -> Less than Effective(and a little dumb). So, short story, Marut dieded. Well, I'm in loss of LT and Retreat(my Marut does that when he dies). However, I quickly leveled the field, putting down the Croc and the LT with my bad ass Dakini(He really does rock). However, more shortening of story, his Medic was just able to out do me, eventually when the dice and killing my Dakini. Yep, you heard it here a good to honest loss. Sad day indeed. But one hell of a game. The moment we both went into Retreat and loss of LT, it was game on. I had to be on top of everything, one mistake and I was toast.

The day was pretty awesome. I came in early and played a whopping five games. I plan to do something similar this Saturday, but with more Malifaux and less Infinity. Though, if I can stick to two turn games of Infinity... In the end, I felt like I had played in an awesome tournament. I was wiped but not worn. I slept well, but didn't hate life. I do wish my games had counted for league, but ah the well. This weekends stompings should.

Oh, and sorry about the lack of pics, I plan to do better this weekend. Then again, I always do.

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