I didn't get as many games in this week, since after hours was devoted to Deathwatch. I also showed up late, since all my early gamers kinda flaked. But the games I got were good, two warmahorde games and a partial Malifaux.
Game one was versus Patrick and his Khador. We are still playing 15 point games, with next week being the tournament, and the week after going to 25. This game was two square zones and an enemy pillar. Dominate your zone for a point, control then enemy's for two, dominate it for three, and destroy their pillar for another. I placed my Cinerators to move to contest my zone, then my Revenger and Kreoss to Control/Dominate his, with my big guy with the cannon to block and be back up. I moved up, spread a little, and headed for where I needed to be. Turn two I moved a little more, moved the Cinerators all the way up to one of his units, which was a mistake, since I can't do anything on his turn. But it set up a lot of my unit and my heavy jack to be hit and hit hard. He took it, and while I bit my tongue, proceeded to pile into my guys and ignore the objective. I scored on my turn, then his turn because he went for my throat instead of the mission, including my Caster/Revenger which were hidden behind a hill. On my turn I did nothing, since I would just get my two points to give me the win.
Game two was versus Nabors. He ran a different caster, but still Cygnar. I took out the big jack and went back to the other heavy jack and a full cinerator squad. The big jack just doesn't seem to do enough. At the next point jump I have to take him. Anyway, this game Nabors made me go first since my preference for second. This one had to neutral circles to control. I did basically the thing. Cinerators went left, everything else right. He moved some gun mages up to shoot at me, which blocked my Cinerator side. To the right he moved a tesla gun thingy and his jack. His caster stayed to the back, with a heavy weapon team that just blocked LoS for the Cinerators. He wasn't/didn't move far enough up to block points on his turn, I popped my feat to knockdown his guys over there for his turn, of course the Jack just stands up, but charges my Heavy Jack which is just bait, and his turn end and I win the game.
Another win for me, I think putting me in the lead of the league, since Troy didn't make, and nobody else is playing as many games. I have three wins and a lose to record, giving me 10 points. Not to shaby for the worst player with the worst list. I have also kept my streak of every win being on strategy and every lose being assassinate. If its caster kill I lose, otherwise I win. We will have to see which scenarios are used for the tournament, that will completely decide if I win or lose. Also, I will have to bait my opponent into giving me the win. I think I might be able to do it next weekend, but soon people are going to stop falling for it.
Nabors and I started a Malifaux game, but took a break in the middle for a soda run, and then didn't have enough time to finish. We had shared A Line in the Sand from the new Gaining Grounds. I took Kill Protege on Ototo and hidden Grudge on Yamiziko, he took Hold Out and Emptied Pockets. I took my standard Vik crew, Viks, Taelor, Miss Demeanor, Oiran, and a pair of Ronin, eight stones. He took Misaki, Ototot, Yamiziko, two Torakage, Shang, and a Ten Thunders Archer. Game started off fairly well, I moved the Ronin out, Taelor slightly to the left, Viks up the center, backed by the Oiran. Gun Vik lit a dynamite, and moved to smack a Torakage. Yamaziko moved in to deal some hurt, she took three, swapped, went to whirlwind the Torakage, straight killed him. Still got a second attack on Yamaziko, had the red joker in hand, but he barely got me to a negative flip, so I just hurt her. Right after I remembered Grudge, so, she would have been Ronin bait. Misaki moved up to fight sword Vik, between stones and such, only took three damage. Oiran pulled sword Vik back, breaking Your Mine. I get a point for the strategy. At this point, I think I have the game in hand, I am prime position to light three Dynamite the next turn, and then block everything with what I have. He has to come to me, and I can then pick off the models I need to kill for schemes. However, this is where we called the game. I had one point for the strategy and he kept two for Holdout. I call shenanigans, but he got the win.
As we went into Deathwatch, I found out exactly how far behind I was in xp, so went on a shopping spree. I had been at level two and the push put me at level four, and I had enough to buy both a Servo Harness and Artificer armour. Which was super exciting, but turned out to be ineffectual against a warhound titan, even with another talent that gave my plasma cutter 1d10 + 14 pen 14 damage. Chad proved how broken Librarians are and Patrick did some heavy bolter stuffs. We did manage to save the Inquisitor, doing a triple headshot on the leader and to guys with heavy stubbers before he could begin his speach.
That how Space Marines do it.
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