Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Webway to Tacticon 2013


I get to play at Tacticon, so I am getting my Eldar/Dark Eldar force up to snuff. These posts are going to be a bit of progress log of the army as it comes together. At this last paint night I finally finished my Farseer's banner. Of course I need a second one, and I'm not real sure how I'm going to go for that one. I also put paint to Hellion, finally puching those guys past the limbo they have been stuck in. The boards are almost finished, and I am on detail work for the Hellions themselves. As you can see in the above picture, I have cut my display board. I am using a hardboard base with foam core on top, so I can sink my bases into it. I was hoping to have a lot of foresty scenic effects, but as you can see, I don't have a ton of room. It will likely have two or three trees, and a webway portal, though the portal will quite a bit farther forward, since I don't want much of the models to have the pure war zone base.

Well, that's the jist for now, hopefully I will keep this up with regular reports. Till next time...


  1. Schweet!

    Can't wait to see this display board done! I think I might do a VERTICAL display board, with all of the bikes racing down a building in Commoragh.

  2. Always gotta one up me, don'tcha!
    What happened to your tile bases?
