Sunday, May 19, 2013

TMI: In through the breach, out through the warp!


I managed to get a full day of gaming this week, starting with Through the Breach at 10 at Qdoba. I can't say much on that, other than the character creation system is really awesome. After that it was off to Hobby Town for some more gaming.

Game one was Malifaux versus Nabors. I ran the Viks and pulled out Vanessa for the first time. I also had Taelor, a Ronin, and a Oiran. He ran Von Schill, Strong Arm, Lazarus, a Librarian, a Trapper and a Specialist. I had Assassinate and hidden Hold Out, he took Bodyguard and Kill Protege on Taelor. The strategy was Gaining Grounds A line in the Sand. He deployed first, so I was able to deploy Taelor across from Lazarus, planning on using her hammer on Lazarus, as he was a construct. On the opposite side I deployed my Ronin, everything else was in the center. He had deployed mostly center, slightly towards my right. His Trapper he deployed last, but ended up deploying it near his zone, as I didn't leave him many options with my deployment, though not on purpose. Turn one he moves up, and tries to take some shots, but is just out of range, my Oiran snags his Trapper with a single lure, but its enough for me to pull a Vik and get into him. On turn two he died, while I whirlwinded into his nearby Strong Arm. I then moved into the center, killing the Librarian, Strong Arm, and Specialist, but lost the sword Vik in the process. I then piled shots into Von Schill, and was able to take him down as well. As this had been happening, we tied on the strategy, with him lighting one on turn two, then I lit one. He lit another on turn three, then Taelor lit one. Turn four was everything save the dead Vik versus his Lazarus. I don't think he activated. While I was out of range of any dynamite, I only received points on turns five and six, leaving it a 5-0 game in my favour. I hit hard early, and it turned into a rough game for him.


As if in retaliation, my next game was Warmahordes versus Troy. We are at 35 points for the league. I am a point or two short running everything I have, and I still have five jacks, I think. With seven focus and five to power up my early spells, I can't run my jacks and power up turn one. Running turn two would just put me in charge range of his massive force. But with going first, I have to move my caster farther than his two walks to get out of the killbox. And since we screwed up, and Troy had killed a pillar turn one, that put him at three points beginning his turn two. All he had to do was kill my one model(an Incenerator, not even a Jack) and move his caster into the zone to dominate and blam he wins. So, that is what he did. The end of the league will see the end of my Warmahordes career. I just can't play it right. If I want infantry, I play 40k, if I want characters I will play Malifaux, if I were to play Warmahordes I would want Jacks or Warbeasts, and you just can't run a lot of them. The game keeps pushing for higher points, but you can't power that many Jacks. Originally I thought that everyone took units because they were broken, but now I am beginning to think they don't have a choice.

Game three I spaced picture until it was all over, so no sights for you(and you thought I was getting better). This was another game against Shea, but this time he ran his Orks. It was also kill points with Hammer and Anvil deployment. I have I ever mentioned I hate hammer and anvil? Well, I do. It condenses the opponent's army and gives me no room to maneuver and seriously hampers my mobility. While it normally hurts short ranged armies, range doesn't seem to be as much of a problem as I just don't know where to go. Against a horde army this is even worse. He covered his zone. He spaced as if fearing templates and it was a no zone for him. He moved up his rocket boys(the jump pack ones) and his battlewagon, and everything else inched along behind. Really, they inched, he rolled three run rolls and all were 1's. I moved forward with my guardians to take shots at his rockets, then turboboosted my council in the way to accept the counter charge with scrier's gaze and the counter charge power going. Unfortunately, he didn't even care. I'm not terribly sure he was even aware of what I was trying to do as the rocket boys just jumped over my council, and lined up on the guardians. The Nobs lumbered out of the wagon and gave their position to a boys squad, while the other to came over to soften my council. I think this was the first of two mistakes that cost me the game. The guardians evaporated, and the nobs did way more than they should have. He also did some ugly with his dakka jets. On my turn, I chose(three dice for scrier's) to bring in my reavers and my voidraven, and left my guardians off, the hellions rolled three 3+, so they came on no matter what. I put everything down the side with the rocket boys. I think the Hellions should have gone elsewhere, or better yet, held off the reavers. I then used focus fire and other shooting to soften the unit to auto kill, then blade vaned it to give my reavers a pain token. This however meant I did nothing with my hellions and they didn't get a pain token. Had I used them to do the finishing move, and kept the reavers off for another turn, I would have had them in a better position to wreak havoc later on other units. As it was, my reavers died to fire power, while being in the middle of everything, and the hellions went down later, while being behind cover, with stealth, and rolling nothing but twos and a one. They didn't do anything all game, I put then in the wrong position. My seer council continued to flounder, failing saves left and right, until even the Warlord was dead, then my Fortune Farseer finally came around, and started to save. Could roll better than a two to hit, but at least he saved for a bit. At the end, I charged the Baron into the wagon and managed to do three hull points and a immobilise, but then he was gunned down after he failed his save. All but one of my guardians squads died, the other one hiding in a corner. It was bad enough that at one point Shea thought I was tabled, and was gonna skip my last turn, but I told him differently. It matter little, as he scored nine kill points, slay the warlord, and line breaker. I had first blood and linebreaker, with like three kill points, I didn't even bother to add them up. His dice were on fire, and mine were terrible. I would like to say that was the cause of my loss, but really it was me putting myself in a position where bad dice could do me. I really have a hard time at 2K, I just don't want to add anything to my list. The voidraven is a bust. I just don't find it as useful as the razorwing. Splinter cannon and lower cost just out weight the single small blast bomb. Implosion missiles are less than they seem as well. Small blasts just aren't what my army needs. I need the large blast horde killing power of the monoscythe missiles and splinter cannons. I may add shatterfield, but I'm not sure strength 7 with re-rolls to wound is better than strength 6 but AP 5. I am even thinking of running my list down points to go back to the razor, and I don't really want to borrow Shaffer's reavers, since that will mean my force isn't completely painted. And buying models two weeks before the new Eldat book drops seems like a terrible idea. I think short points is just the way to go. I may load up the fortune seer, as guide has seemed like a useful power on occasion where I want prescience on his unit, but also want some twinlinked shuriken cannons elsewhere.

To finish the night, I played some Dark Heresy, and almost became Inquisitor, but was able to shun that off onto Serath as my new puppet. Arsenic is currently incapacitated and in the care of Chad's new sisters character(yeah, that will end well).
Well, that's it from them the front, I should have a post in a day or two about how my final hellions are coming on my road to the tourney next weekend.

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