Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Turns out, I have too much focus

I threw down three games a couple of weekends ago. 40K and Malifaux versus Nabors and X-Wing versus Paul. The Malifaux and X-Wing games were tandem like some sort of chess master... Only more awesomer.

Okay, first off, Nabors is a cheeky git. My list was about standard, except I finally dropped the Pred for three Spawn of Slaanesh(all I had the points for, but init 4 is decent). I deployed second, and spread fairly well, hiding both Daemon Princes from any threatening fire. Nabors went first and did some pretty ineffectual shooting. a hull point here, maybe a wound on my other prince, nothing worth anything really. Then the limey bastard lines up a Vindicator shot on my Rhino, just barely making a corner of the Rhino's hull. Scatters horribly. For me. He landed on my Warlord Daemon Prince, I failed my invul/cover/whatever, insta-gibbed, he gets First Blood and Slay the Warlord. Well, freaking back foot for me it is.

No problem, I start to lay into him in return. Plinks on Preds here, a few dead marines there. His dead pile is growing, mine sits at a pair of Daemon Princes for a long while. Then we thought Baleflamers were flamers. They aren't. I mean, why would they be, right? Ask GW, I don't understand it either. Anywho, he took Slamanders because he was list tailoring. I told you, cheeky git. Anyway, not problem, reroll all the armour save you don't get all you want. Unless you put a termy out in front, then you can go........ Sorry, kids show.

Needless to say, his units became tougher to crack when my Heldrakes became impotent. Now I know how people felt when I could get Fortune off. I spent an entire turn five doing absolutely nothing. I had managed to some moving to get line of fire on things other than the Terminator Chapter Masters, but not enough to wipe the entire objective secured units.

Eventually the game just dragged on too long. I was hemorrhaging models by this point, and his turn invulnerable. It went onto turn seven, at which point he finally tabled me, taking all but, I believe, Linebreaker. Sad day, tabled by Nabors.

But to be serious, the Spawn were amazing. Where my Pred has been totally lacking of luster, the Spawn just ate and ate. They are very likely to stay. I have also learned that my Daemon Princes no longer have to be my Warlord. One of my Chosen Champions just got promoted. It takes the weight off the DP to not die, which they will, and also opens up some more of the Warlord tables. Command and Strategic are both looking quite delicious. I'm not sure if Infiltrating Chosen squads(which would be all four with how the rule is) or rerolling ones to hit with my plasmas is better. Either way, it opens up some doors I am looking forward to stepping through.

After that I set up a proxy game of my "new" Misaki crew(played by Mei Fang versus Nabors's Von Schill. Unfortunately, I setup Mei Fang as Mei Fang, instead of the crew she was representing. This wrenched my works a little, as did trying to Smoke and Mirrors a Torakage, which failed, repeatedly. Eventually I just moved him up. We were playing Squatter's Right and I tried to mix the Last Blossom models with some Outcast stuff(specifically Bishop and Hans). It didn't mesh terribly well, but worked out all right. I am going to have to think hard about her and her crew if I am going to bring them into my Outcast fold. In the end I was able to put it back to Nabors, finishing 10-3 or something. I felt it went well, though the crew itself didn't gel real well. The Torakage are a fun tricksy model to run forward, I am going to have to pay extra attention to them. Smoke and Mirrors seems a good upgrade with a crazy ability to bury and jump around the board, but is rather card, specifically mask, expensive, so I may look elsewhere.

As I was playing my Malifaux game, I also set up against Paul in X-Wing. He was Rebels with a fairly elite 1300 list. I ran my, basically, everything I own list. My list seems to work fairly well, though I wouldn't expect it to rock a tournament, by any means. I was able to focus dead his HWK, which left his YT-1300, which still wasn't an easy kill. I think we closed to fast to use his torpedoes, a problem that I often have. So much so that I have dropped missiles all together.After some rough flying on my part and some fancy flying on his part, I was able to take it down, bring my two concurrent wins. Thus, I must focus too much. Now if I could only get to tournaments right next to each other..............

I also got my GenCon loot. WOOO!!!

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