Okay, so he didn't technically but it makes a good title. I have been a little quiet over the last two weeks. Finishing up summer and all that. But I did still manage to get in some games(of course). The week before last was Malifaux demos followed by a quick game of X-Wing. This last weekend, even after being stood up, I still got in a game of 40K.
I won't go into the demo game to deeply, but we played Claim Jump, no schemes, Mei Fang versus Viktorias. I had the Viks. I am finding that most of the crews I have tend towards the do this trick in second edition. I haven't quite found two good demo crews yet. As it was, he never really got the chain of models ready for a Mei drop kick, but he did do some. He did ask for more games to get a better grip on the system. I will be trying somebody else next time. I also say he, because beyond him nobody else really showed.
Afterwards, I played a game of X-Wing versus Shea. I went back to using my own models, taking the Advanced over the extra Interceptor. I upgraded the Advanced and the Defender with boost. Overall, I think it went well. I sent two up the middle, the rest on my right. He went down the left, sending in an B-Wing towards the middle. I jumped on the B-Wing, but couldn't seem to do any decent damage. I swung around, as the E-Wing fell out of my arc, then targeting the E-Wing. Again, the dice were against me and I did little. This went on for most of the game. I would focus my fire, staying fairly tight, managing only a few crashes, but then the bucket of dice would just fail. On the other hand, he did a fair job of getting hits and chipped me down rather quickly. In the end, though I had done a fair amount of damage, I lost. Turns out, in X-Wing, if you can't hit, you probably won't win. I actually became rather frustrated towards the end. He was hitting, turning into crits, destroying, while I felt totally impotent, doing almost nothing in return.
As an editorial note, this is where I stopped writing weeks ago, so this will be a brief synapses and a photo dump
I don't remember all of the details, but suffice to say this was my game to lose. I was facing Shea and his Ork horder(new book) in a kill points mission. It started heavily in his way, but I was able to keep catching up for the tie.
However, late turn three or early turn four, Patrick showed up and the two of them started "Ork" talking. Mildly annoying, but totally distracting for Shea. I had mostly whittled all of his killable units, but he still had a couple blobs left. He wasn't paying attention and started to make mistakes. Forgetting moves, charges, calling Waagh, whatever. I, however, stayed the course, staying just out of range of the blob and finishing his tougher units. In the end I managed to squeak a close win.
Apologies for the late posting, I plan to post tomorrow for the following week. Which, since I missed Tacticon last week, will bring us up to the present.
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