Friday, October 31, 2014

Shaltari get Scourged

I managed to get in a quick week day game versus Troy's Scourge. Yeah, I thought he was dead, too. Anyway, he was running his starter box, so I pulled out a list I wanted to try, trying to shoe horn in two Yaris, since they have been performing so well. And just to make things interesting, we rolled Battle Royale, aka, kill points.

For those of you knew to this blog, you may have heard a groan from the regulars. Kill points is not what I seem to do versus, well, anybody with my Shaltari. My early games were me get killed, while I somehow manage to exit the field with the objectives. Also, this was the test of my new 600pt Yari list. Which also had Microwave Guns, since the AA guns are too pricey. So, no objectives to nab, and no real guns to shoot. What could possibly go wrong. Strangely, far less than you might expect.

My list:
Skirmish: 596/600 points
    Standard Roster [596/600 pts]
        Gate Group [135 pts]
            Eden Gates: Eden [45 pts]
            Eden Gates: Eden [45 pts]
            Haven: Haven [15 pts]
            Haven: Haven [15 pts]
            Haven: Haven [15 pts]
        Swordpoint [289 pts]
            Tomahawk Squad: Tomahawk(Shaman), 2x Tomahawk [154 pts]
            Kukri Squad: 3x Kukri [135 pts]
        Warrior Clan [64 pts]
            Braves: 2x Braves [64 pts]
        Warrior Clan [64 pts]
            Braves: 2x Braves [64 pts]
        Speartip [44 pts]
            Yari Squad: 2x Yari(+Microwave Gun) [44 pts]

To start off with, Troy headed for the center building, so..., I shot it. He also went for the building to my right. I went for both side buildings. With his push towards the center, he was a little far back to push in towards the right building, so he back offed and circled on of the non-vantage point buildings, more towards his edge. He also pushed his AA to my left, behind a row of buildings. His tanks came up the center, circling to my left of the center building. He dropped all of these turn two, so I knew he wouldn't be able to fire until three. As such, I circled back to my right, but not before putting all my Kukris and Tomahawks into his central building. I did a little more damage than I should have, thinking my Kukris were E7, not E6. However, at the end of his buildings life, I got greedy, firing the Kukris at the building, and my Tamahawks at +4 on his anti-tank that had peeked around the corner. Needless to say, having realized my E error, the building lived, and his infantry were able to escape. To make it even better, I did nothing to the tanks. Also, his tanks were likely in range to drop the building on two of them, which would have given me the possible kills anyway, and his infantry. As it was, the high tailed it out of there. Afterwards, our anti-tanks went into high noon mode, trying to see who would win the OK coral. Spoiler, nobody. He fired three into my tanks, killing one, I returned fire, killing two, then we pulled out the whiffle bats and proceded to have a game, with me firing the last shot on double ones. I moved the Yaris to the wrong place, but was still able to lay some hurt on his other unit, but not enough before they climber back into their APC and wandered off. On turn five I gated the Kukris across the board, so that on six I could have my pick of his dropships or APC from the center building. Oh, wait, Kukri's can't hurt his APCs. OK, so the dropships it is. Cool, killed one, took the center building with it, oh yeah, and one of my Kukri's when it crashed on top of it.. The other two shot at a dropship, but couldn't finish it. He was able to kill on of the others with some hot rolling, and the game was pretty much over. Time to total points. For those keeping score, I killed an infantry base, a drop ship, and two Hunters. He killed two Kukris(or I did, whatever), 2 Braves bases, and a Tomahawk. One of those random number sequences, cut to commercial, like on that loser show.

Me: 165pts killed
Him: 192pts "killed"

Bastard, he squeaked me out by 27 points. Had I not killed my own Kukri, had I just waxed the building, had I not double oned the stupid Hunter. Ah, the possibilities. In the end, the Microwave Yaris actually were useful. I didn't get a molly-whopped as I thought I was going to. Those A8 skimmers are a royal pain, but at least his AA guns can't hit the broadside of a barn. As long as it doesn't fly anyway. I expected the Battle Royale to be a blood bath, mine, but it turned out to not be the case. I'm not sure that my other list would have done any better, likely not. The dropping of one of the Infantry definitely didn't hurt here, though I could have jumped my Braves in the right building up to my ship earlier, saving me 64 points, but I wanted them to kill stuffs. The Braves on the left did some, but not much. The Discus Launchers and Microwave guns are definitely useful against squads in buildings. Also, going to the new 30Dp large building makes them much easier to bring down, especially if you cheat for a little while. Going forward, I think I will be keeping this list for Saturday. Beyond that I can't say, but as long as I can keep from rolling Battle Royale, I think I can do alright with it. I do feel troop light, but as I will be on par with everyone else, it should be alright. I do have an extra battle group, so that never hurts.

A couple days and I will be able to tell how I fared. In the mean time, I will leave you with my lone Kukri staring down the invulnerable Scourge Invader APC, while it runs with my kill points.

Is it just me, or do they look like a Genestealer Cult limo from the front?

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