Wednesday, April 13, 2016

What the hooey is that?

Something horrifying is comig down the pipe.Yep, that's right, Age of Sigmar. The GW sales rep is really pushing the store to run a league. My goal? To see just how far. I have messed around with it a bit and decided that it seems kind of fun. I even want to bring out my Tomb Kings for it. The Ogres... Sorry, Ogors... don't actually seem all that great. I will be making a change, moving from model count to wound count. Likely adding in some force org stuffs as well, just to limit the stupid, and give it some sort of balance.

The crazy is that I plan to try and get the rep to basically just give away models to EVERYBODY. At least everybody whom completes the league. And I am even bringing my little ones into it.

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