Saturday, March 23, 2019

Lightning win, slow draw

I have been playing around with doing video battle reports, which is why have posted them here. However, it has been a long road, and they may never come out.
Yesterday I played two game but forgot my camera, so I wanted to post them here. I also forgot my notebook, so I don't have all the details, either. But they were both interesting to me.
Both games were before the 3-22 update to M3E.

Game one was Reckoning. As such, I took the Viktorias, because they are the crew best suited to that strat. I also took Hold up Their Forces, but don't remember the other one. I don't know what my opponent took.
My crew:
2 x Viktorias with Hired Soldier
2 x Ronin
Student of Conflict

Opponents crew:
Dead Rider

Turn one, I do some manuevering, Ronin to either side, Taelor on left, left Ronin gets charged by Dead Rider, I pull her out with Vanessa and shoot the Dead Rider. Emissary moves up my right, drops two coffins to block area. Realizing(after opponent told me and let me move a Vik back) the Coffins were impassable, I charge Vik of sword into Sebastian, just to get forward. I accidantly stayed an extra 1" out forgeting the M3E range. Either way, it was a play to pull McMourning out. And it works. He comes forward and deals a couple to Viktoria of Swords. My leader Viktoria then comes in a does a little, but McMourning heals all at end of turn anyway.
Turn 2, I have a 13 and Red Joker in hand, but decide to chance it and use an 11 to win initiative. It works, and I get initiative. My Leader Vik goes, piles all 3 attacks into McMourning, managing to get 3 "That counts as me" triggers off, giving the other Vik 3 attacks. As my opponent was cheating to shift the total, hoping to hold cards, I was able to use a 10 and 8 of masks, and can use other cards for second attacks. After she was finished, I immediately chain activate, though I am out of cards and stones. My first attack flips a 12 of not masks, but it is enough to get through and kill McMourning. My opponent calls game.
Going in, I knew that I could lose one of my Viks and still be strong. As it was turn two, a Vik is worth the same as a minion for Reckoning points. No worries. It would have likely hurt me later for Reckoning points, but his crew needed McMourning. It was a calculated risk that I was willing to trade. Also, McMourning's death would heal both Viks, and Vanessa for that matter, but I only had 1 hurt Vik. It was a nasty blow, but I was still surprised my opponent conceded.

With a quickish game done, we decided we had time for another. We left the table and reflipped strategy and schemes. This time it was Plant Explosives. My opponent stuck with McMourning, but I decided to do Leveticus with a list idea I had.

My list:
2 x Waifs
2 x Necropunks

My opponent's list:
?ss and maybe some upgrades

For this game I took Claim Jump on Tara and Search the Ruins. My opponent ended up taking Vendeatta with the Kentauroi against Rusty and Claim Jump on Mortimer. Hold Up was in the pool, and I chose not to take it as my crew is rather pricey or something I don't really want in combat. I didn't think about Hunters.
Turn one was kind of cagey. He summoned a mindless zombie with the intent of smacking it twice with Mortimer to kill it and get three corpses to summon a Flesh Construct. Instead, Mortimer did a moderate on the first attack at a triple negative, only dropping two markers. Mine was a little more effective, Tara stoned for a tome to get a Hunter, the Scavenger gave Tara Fast, but the Hunter decided to hang a turn before coming out.
Turn two, I brought out the Hunter and summoned a second that cam out of the Chihuahua who had charged forward. The Chihuahua was unable to even slow the Hunter as it left due to a Black Joker. But as a return, Leveticus shifted some wounds off of Tara, but then failed to hit the Chihuahua to get an Abomination and lived. This left the waif he was going to pop into on my left alive for McMourning to rush in and kill. Rusty dropped a bomb and both Necropunks dropped scheme markers. I scored Plant Explosives and Search the Ruins. I should have declared Claim, but I was hoping to hold that to score 4 and 5 to give him less time to nix my second point. ooo... foreshadowing.
Turn three, Chihuahua becomes an Abomination, Scavenger jumps foward to drop a bomb, Necropunks drop more scheme markers, McMourning drops a bomb and kills Leveticus who hops to Waif on right that the Kentauroi failed to kill. Rusty gets beat, Kentautoi jumps over and hits her to score Vendetta, she will eventually die to McMourning on turn four. I lose a Hunter but resummon it. I have a cluster of control in the middle, and bury Sebastian. Unfortunately, McMourning is camped on board center.
Turn four, Leveticus moves up his open side and places an explosive. Like I said, Rusty dies. Rafkin moves over and sets the Scavenger to die on activation, which he does. The Necropunk nearby moves next to Rafkin to hold that explosive marker. Other Necropunk drops marker and jumps in to attack McMourning, but he just heals later. Rusty's trap IS doing a number of injured to McMourning, but he can pass it, or the nurse clears it. Turn four ends, he is sure I had Hold Up, and I pry should have.
We call game due to time. I have 3 for Plant Explosives, 2 for Search(with like 4 markers), and none for Claim. He has 2 for Plant, 2 for Vendetta, and 1 for Claim. 5-5 draw.
Turn five, we discussed turn five and he came up that he would win with two for Claim and 3 for Plant. I don't think I could have stopped Vendetta or his third Plant(Kentauroi had both and just too fast), but I think my goal would have stopped Claim Jump. For my own part I had 4 for Plant in the bag, thanks to Leveticus, an extreme number of markers for Search. The goal for my turn would be to bury McMourning and get Turf War. Barring that, Tara could leap in if nobody else died to block Mortimer. While it was possible for either of us to get a 7-6 win, I think a 6-6 draw would have been the most likely.

Either way, I had two awesome games, probably my best games since my return to Malifaux. I am really looking forward to my next games. With the end of M3E I am excited to play locked in crews for a while. The crews I play had some last minute changes that should prove interesting.

Here is to flipping more cards.

And to getting some videos published.

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