Sunday, October 10, 2010


Well, not really. A couple 40K and a couple Grow League games. Good on one, less so the other.

To start the day off, when I arrived, there was a guy looking for a small 40K game. We ended up playing 1k, and I kinda handed it to him. I wiped him from the table. Part of it was his Dread shooting up his Plague Marines, part was that he didn't send his Berserkers after my Daemon Prince. I think he was afraid to face him. He was locked in combat with his Dread, and would have been sitting for a 12 man charge. He did charge his last Plague Marine in, which I think he should have held back, hold the KP.
I then got in 2 games for week 2 of 750 in the Grow League. Not much different from week one. The first game was against Empire. I held on till the end. I ran a unit of bows, 2 light horse, and a Screaming Skull Catapult. The light horse were supposed to hary the opponent from the flanks, maybe get some war machines. What they did was soak up fire. And die. While this kept my skeletons free, they have the Banner of the Undying Legion. I only used Power dice to dispel his one spell. I rolled pretty well for Power Dice(read low), so I did pretty well on spells. He manage to misfire, repeatedly, with his 3 war machines, or miss completely. My Ironcurse Icon only came into play twice. My Screaming Skull did fall to two cannon hits, my horse to fire, but my Skeleton unit, was mostly whole at the end. Good game, but with only a 150 point spread a massacre, it was a massacre.
Game two was against Warriors of Chaos. This is a new high score. I did manage to get my first victory points though, killing a unit of Hounds. I rolled incredibly high for Power dice, with the first turn being double 6's. He had no casting of his own, being pure Khorne, but my consistently high rolls kept him able to stop my stuff. I did better keeping my Heiro in my archers close to my Catapult, but not quite close enough. It didn't matter much, he was generally able to dispel anything I threw out there. I was able to do some nice redirects with my horse on his Frenzied units(all of them), which kept some of his stuff out of position a good portion of the game. Unfortunately, not long enough, because in the end, a double charge on my skeles finished the game with combat res.
I did learn that, due to low points or whatever, we are able to roll our Lord points into or Hero points, giving me 50% for Heroes, and thus can drop the King for equipment and items. I also am leaning towards dropping the Undying Legion, as they just don't take the hits, till they are dead.
To finish the day, I played a 1850 point 40K game, against Vulkan this time. It was my turn to have a crazy Dread. He blew up my Rhino first turn, layed into the squad second, and was dead before third. I think my opponent gunning him down was a bad move, as my Dread was his greatest asset. With my Dread being worse than useless, my Defiler was left on his own, and while doing fine damage, also died, leaving that flank open. My unhorsed Thousand Sons hunkered in the crater the rest of the game, even going to ground at one point. My Obliterators used the other nearby units Icon, and so set up on a hill on the far right flank, trudging across the table, wreaking havoc. In the end they were able to kill his objective squad, and since his assault marines were on my objective, it was Capture and Control.... er, a draw.
Next week is the 750 point tournament, I think I am going to try and get some list testing, tweaking in. That night also starts the 1250 point first scenario. Here is hoping things look up.
CW, out.

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