Over the weekend I played a game of 40K. It was 1850 versus Orks, I used my Genghiscon list against his kinda vehicle heavy list. I was looking to try against a horde list, as I'm not sure I have enough shots to take one on. His hybrid list, however, showed me a few things I hadn't thought of.
My list is centered 2 1K Sons squads, 9 man, Sorc has Bolt of Change, with Rhino equipped with extra armour and a combi-melta. These are backed up by a 9 count Lesser Daemon unit, which provides objective backup and a minor close combat unit. My heavy combat squad is 8 Lightning claw Terminators, led by my Sorcerer, who packs Wind of Chaos and Warptime. I also have a Daemon Prince with wings, mark of Tzeentch, Warptime, and Wind of Chaos. My firepower comes from 2 units of 2 Obliterators. The idea behind the force is to kill Marines. Every unit has something for tanks, be it Bolt for the Sons, Wind for the Sorc and Daemon, or the Obliterators. The Rhinos' Meltas are for just in case, and the Lesser Daemons are the exception. My can opening relies more on strength 8 at 24", then it does on Melta. I am hoping that the lack of vehicles in general will mean that I can mitigate the plethera of Melta coming at me. I will still be susceptible to missile spam, but the guys out of cans are my prime target anyway. I foresee a problem with a super heavy tank army, as I don't think I have the shots to take enough down. However, after my game against the Orks, I worry less about taking down hordes. My Oblits can deal with crowd control, and my Terms can lock a squad till its dead. The Sons can rapid fire enough to aide with the killing as well. Well, back on to the game.
He was running a pair of Nob bikers, kitted but not wound allocated, a Battlewagon with Lootas in it, a Truk with boys and a Mek with Custom Force Field, 3 War Buggies, and some Def Koptas. The board was pretty packed with terrain, he really had a nice set up. I won first turn, and deployed both Rhinos behind big terrain on opposite sides, everything else Deep Strikes. He deployed everything. The Koptas came at my left Rhino, Battle Wagon moved a little towards it, with a unit of bikers in support. Other side was buggies surrounding the Mek's Truk and the Bikers' with the Warboss coming under a bridge at the other Rhino. My Terms came in first turn, and shot at the Bikers. I unloaded both Rhinos and shot the Bikers again and the Koptas respectfully. I had thought to do more damage to both squads, but it was not to be. My Lesser Daemons attacked the Koptas, did little damage, but held them up for a few turns, till the finally Hit and Run. This was my first mistake. Having not done sufficient damage to either squad, I left my 1K Sons in a bad place. The Lesser Daemons held the left flank well enough, that I had time to put those Sons back in their Rhino, but did not. Instead I hold for the charge of the lesser Bikers, who I think to bottle neck, but the length of the bases make sure everyone still gets into combat. I move my Rhino, and counter charge with my Lesser Daemons, but it is not enough, and both squads die to Fearless wounds. The other squad is left in the open against his Boss's Bikers and they are eaten in a couple of turns. My Daemon Prince does what he does, wrecks some shop, then dies. I think he took a total of 2 Buggies with him, but never made it to the Battle Wagon. 1 Oblit unit gets charged by a Def Dread(which I forgot to mention earlier, along with the bike boss), losing 1, but the other has his revenge. That Oblit went on to kill the Mek's Truk, which let the Terms kill the squad. The other Oblits dropped in and took out the Battle Wagon, but the return fire(and very poor save rolls) saw them off in return. My final 2 mistakes came when I charged the Boss's Nob Bikers with my Terms. I shouldn't have charged, but I forgot they count as being in cover.The following turn I forgot to Warptime my Sorc, but then figured it would work out, cause I could Force Weapon twice. Unless I don't hit. At all. Worst roll I threw all game. I got beaten down, lost combat, then got ran down. Turn 5 was a 7-7 tie, turn 6 saw 0 kills from me, and 3 for him.
I didn't get massacred, and I think if I hadn't made those mistakes, I could have won. As it was I played as me. I think that heading towards Genghiscon, I need to learn that charging in and playing aggressive is not always the way, and with my army, seldom is. I started this army as an alternative to my Tau, but I am beginning to think that I have one play style, and I will always be drawn to units that fit my style.
Acceptance is the first step.
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