Friday, August 10, 2012

State of the gaming

I'm gonna have to come up with a new title for this segment, as my Malifaux gaming isn't quite as strong as it was pre-sixth. While I did get in a a game of Malifaux, there is also some 40K and even some Space Hulk in there as well.

I played my new "doom and gloom" list. Its not others, but it is Eldar and Dark Eldar. Basically it is just an excuse for me to get the DE I like, without having to buy the rest that I don't. The list is a Seer council, an Autarch, 2 guardian jetbike squads, a unit of DE Travers, the duke, and some hellions. This game only taught me one thing : I don't know how to play DE. It was against Troy's Nids. First turn he ate the reavers, second the hellions. I spent the rest of the game running my Eldar down 400 points, and still held my own. I still lost, but my Eldar contingent can hold its own. The DE however need some practice.

I also managed to get in a game of Malifaux against Nabors. It was Leveticus versus Von Schill for shared treasure hunt. I managed to lose this one by trying to kill him off, when Jack Raw should have just grabbed the Treasure and walked away. In the end I believe it was 6-2, but a good game. Had this been a tournament I would have been kicking myself, but as it was, I can just chuckle at my mistake.

To finish out the night, I managed to get in some Space Hulk. I have been playing a lot of Space Hulk lately, prepping for Tacticon. I am also working on my own custom built Night Lord Space Hulk models. I managed to beat the first mission, despite a mistake on my part. I think the key is Marine-Marine - Sargent - Flamed - Marine. Before I was running only one Marine in front of the Sargent. The new setup allows for some bad dice or (in this case) a mistake without costing you your Sargent. First guy guards the main hall, last guy plays rear guard. The second guy leads the way, double shoot moving->overwatch. Sarge double move->on guard. Flamed follows. Save command points for jams, but if have a bunch do some extra move. It worked, but I will have to try it again some time.

Well, that's it till next week.

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