Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Genghiscon goes off awesomely!!

What? Awesomely is a word.

Genghiscon is done. I ran both the Warhammer 40K event, with the help of Nabors and James, and the Malifaux event. Details about the Warhammer event are on the KoGT blog. The Malifaux event saw me setting a new personal best, with TEN players. I know some out there are less than impressed, but I have been chasing a ten player event for a while. My previous record was eight, with the cons pulling six, so I am super happy.
On to the results...

The tournament had 2 Guild, 2 Resserectionists, 1 Arcanist, 3 Neverborn, 1 Outcast, and 1 Ten Thunders. It was a sort of tree campaign tournament. Results for the round decided the strategies played during the next round. First place was super close, being decided by 2 VP, the second and final tie breaker.

Name Faction TP Diff VP
1 Troy Neverborn 9 18 24
2 Steven Neverborn 9 18 22
3 James Guild 6 5 18
4 Patrick Ressers 6 -2 8
5 Michael R Outcasts 4 -6 14
6 Michael S Arcanists 3 -2 14
7 Marc Neverborn 3 -2 10
8 Brian Ressers 3 -6 12
9 Robert Guild 1 -6 10
10 Michael N Ten Thunders 0 -17 2

Michael S took best painted, followed very closely by Robert. James got the Ram, Brian took the Mask, and Micahel R took the Traitor, after Marc, the real traitor, ran for the hills.

A great tournament, thanks to everyone for coming. I hope to see you all next year.

I will put together a tournament pack of sorts with the missions and the tree, and post that up soon.
Round 1
Round 2
IMAG0688Round 3

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