I only managed a single game this weekend. It was demo day, so I ran of to that, which saw one good demo at least. Others had interest, but I think one may bare fruit. After the demos, there was a group that started Risk, and I two cents that for a bit, then got down to painting. More on that after the game.
What happens when you build your crew around the models and then play around the models and only kinda think on the strategy? Spoiler: You lose. Yeah, so, not my best performance. It did help me see what I am doing wrong with Lazarus, though. I took Leveticus, Lazarus, Izamu, Dead Rider, and two Canines. He took McCabe, Sidar, Luna, Guild Austringer, two Wasterls, and two Guild Hounds. We flipped individual shared Land Grab. I took Grudge on the Austringer and Hold Out, he took Stake a Claim and Body Guard. I did my thing, ran over, killed a Wastrel, Lazarus moved up a bit. Leveticus killed a dog. Turn two, in came McCabe, Sidar jumped into save him, Sidar healed. Izamu took wound, Izamu healed. Dead Rider took wounds, and healed a little. Guild Hounds circled with Luna, broke my quarter, he got a point. Long story way shorter, I played to do Lazarus and the Izamu Ride Along thing, not the scenario. Grudge on Austringer was a terrible idea. I had one chance to get the Rider in there, but he missed it by half an inch. He also died the next turn. I hate Paralyse. Guess what McCabe does. I raged on my cards, but I should have never put myself into a position where my cards mattered that much. Lazarus should have been a pair of Belles. Scoring, hard to kill, able to move his models into quarters I want, or better yet, onto the center lines, a ton better choice. I wasn't into better choices this game. It wasn't a rush forward smash game, but thats how I played it. Then I tried to make my fail plan work for the strategy. I will just kill all his guys and then get points for quarters. Fail. I barely killed anything. Lazarus did almost nothing, even with his flips. I Unnatural Wastinged into combat and hit Izamu WAY to many times. I would flip nine cards, and Izamu got the ace repeatedly. I played disgracefully, both on the table, and in my attitude. In the end, Tom got all his points, and I managed only Hold Out for two. But it wasn't a bad game playing wise, and then I had a really awesome demo and did some awesome painting.
During Paint Night, I was able to paint my Large Steampunk Arachnid, my remaining Steampunk Arachnids, and a good portion of Avatar Ramos. It felt super good to touch paint to model, and I have been working almost exclusively on terrain for Genghiscon, which should get pictures up on the Knights blog pretty soon. Next weekend is Iron Man, though I will miss most of it, I do plan on getting more than a bit finished. I should have my new models, and, if I can get up the courage, would like to start in on Izamu. Hopefully, I will see you all there!
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