Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Table

Due to a sever lack of projects on my part, I have decided to add another. What am I thinking? Not a clue. There has been a 4'x4' board partially started just sitting at the club since long before my time. It is a tiered board, with a couple caves, and the start to a river. Originally I was going to put a vote in the forums to decide what type of board it should be, grass, desert, or snow. I went to mention this to Shaffer and he just in passing called it the cave board and an idea was born. An underground cavern(as opposed to an above ground one). This board will have stalactites and stalagmites and various other rock formations. I have yet to decide if it will have man made lighting(i.e. torches) or not. I will be keeping the river, only countersinking it into the board as opposed to the current raised bank.

This will likely be an-at-the club project, as I have no intention of bringing it home. I may also swipe some club funds for features from the store, as this will be a club table. I also should be working on Malifaux tables at home, so more terrain there would be bad.

I plan to post my progress, though I may move it to the KoGT blog, as it will be a club project.

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