The league started on Saturday. I managed to get a game in versus Patrick's Nicodem crew. I used Tara, just because she rocks so hard. We had Stake a Claim and I took revealed Line in the Sand and Power Ritual, he took hidden Line in the Sand and Power Ritual. I took a fairly heavy beating this game, losing most of my models. I had a Marshal, Nothing, 2 Voids, Karina, and Bishop. He took Izamu, couple Canines, Sebastian, and Mortimer. He summoned a Construct, but that's basically it. I put Tara to far forward, leaving her in Izamu's charge range(should have brought the hodgepodge), and I sacrificed the Death Marshal to both slow him down and drop a scheme upon death. It worked, and I could have recovered, however, I had decided to charge Izamu to bury him, but failed and got Red Joker Riposted and dead. Ouch. I then moved in the Nothing Beast, who is basically always sacrificial, but was supposed to be up forward much earlier, but I screwed up. As such, he came up late, tied Izamu up a sec, then pasted. I brought Bishop in, though I think I should have used him to head for the back field scheming. He did a fair job whacking on Izamu, but eventually, he died as well. I had a final Void Wretch who moved into Patrick's Zone and dropped a Claim, tying Patrick, keeping it at no points, after I got one on turn two, until turn five when he was able to drop a third, netting one point from him. The wretch moved back towards the center line, dropping a scheme for Line in the Sand, giving me a point for being revealed. We both managed to get two points for Power Ritual, having got our own two corners. With him getting a point on five, and me a point on two, Stake a Claim was a draw. He wasn't able to get that fourth marker along the center line, which meant he scored nothing to my one for Line. A close game, 4-3 to me.
The league started off about where I thought it would, with five players, plus myself. I had thought one or two of the other guys may have come out of the woodwork, but wasn't surprised when they didn't.
There is still space if anybody reading this would like to join, the more the merrier. It isn't a wins league, so you don't need to worry about beating Troy, just come get some games in, and I guarantee you will earn points.