Sorry, all. I have been pretty quite for like the last month. I just haven't had time with trying to prep for Genghiscon. But that is done, and it went really well. But more on that at the end. First, I am going to try, and likely fail, to run through all of the game I have played in the last few weeks.
As it has been so long, and I don't remember everything, I am going to just drop a picture and a quick synopsis of each game. Plus, if I have to go through posting the load of pictures I have for the last few weeks, I may never get this post done. At some point in the distant past, I played Chad, in a demo game of Relic Knights. He ran Mike S's Black Diamond, and I of course threw down the Cerci box, now with paint. He mauled the crap out of me, and was getting very close to winning. I was a single activation of Marie-Claude from a win myself, but he only had to activate the tank to win, and all I had in the middle was Esmee. Now, for player's who don't know Relic Knights, Cyphers like Esmee don't do a ton of direct interaction with the opponent or the mission. As such, Esmee couldn't hurt, hinder, anything the tank. If the tank goes, he can move initial and follow up, get in base with his objective, drop a whatever token, and win the game. Also, you can move over anything smaller than you. The tank was height 3, Esmee 1. So, I can't even block the lane. However, it suddenly occurs to me that you can walk over, but can not stop on the enemt model. Thus, I plant Esmee right where he would end up on his initial move, forcing him to stop a little way back, then his follow up move comes up short. Marie goes, I win the game. A little beardy, oh, yeah! I even said as much as I did it. But I refuse to pull punches in demos. In the end, he is picking up a crew, and I won, so turned out fantastic.
After that, I played Tara against Lucius. It was against Russ, the Henchman from Greeley. I pretty much just nom nommed his crew, and so I was able to bring a win. It was Recon, so, with his crew mostly dead, I was able to get ahead on points as I cleaned the quarters and win that way. He had me sticky early, but Karina was able to do some summoning, including a Punk Zombie, which lead to my eventual superior numbers, which ground him down. His grouped Guild Guard were annoying, as were his Stalkers. I was able to kill the Guard, very slowly, and as one dies, they get weaker, thus easier to deal with. His Stalkers ate what I threw at them, using whatever for extra movement, so I eventually just ignored them. Ryle, Lucius, and a Proxy(I think) fell to combined arms on my part, also a misplacement(I think). In the end, a good game, where most of what I started with died, but what I then summoned was able to win out.
We then, instead of running a play test of my SDE, played a regular SDE. I had wanted to play One Shot, but she was deemed "too powerful" by Chad. What? Anyway, I played Princess Malya instead. She was fun, but I think she is actually fairly weak, the her card looks very hefty. I also played a few things wrong, and the Rogue took all of the Dex equipment. As a matter of fact, I didn't get any equipment. In the end, we lost. They reset, but since I felt I should be play testing my own SDE or otherwise prepping for Genghis, I decided to head home instead.
I played a game of Malifaux versus Mike S the week before Genghis. He ran Raspy, and I picked Tara, which was a mistake. I did alright, but where previously, Karin's summoning basically gave me the game, here I just couldn't pull the cards. I also had to spend high cards on staying alive, instead of aggressively. I was able to slay the Golem, and get some Abominations and Bishop right in Raspy's face, which put Mike on the back foot. But I couldn't hold out. He was able to use Snowstorms place effect to pull Raspy to safety. Also, I took Tara in a pool with Assassinate, and it turned into a really hard slap to the face that it was a bad idea. So, I have now made the mental notes, no DE in a Kill Protege game and not Tara in an Assassinate game. Its just giving away points. I was, however, able to make a game of it, but only because it wouldn't end. On turn 5 I lost. On turn six, I was able to make a bit of a comeback. On turn 7, the Death Marshal died, giving me full Line in the Sand, bringing it to a 10-10 draw. Sweet, now the game can end. I had no models left, so he could just clean my markers up on turn 8. Which of course is exactly what happened. He had been locked into 10 points with me having zero options to bring him back. The last few desperate turns had been weak attempts to get a draw. In the end, he took me back down to 8 points and won the game. Ah, well, I tried. Desperately.
The following day I got to play Rowan, the guy who taught me Relic Knights. He was running his Noh versus my Cerci at 50 points. I had Defense of Life, which gor put on my Wrecker. I don't remember what he had or what else I had beyond Lap Time, of course. He placed his models pretty far back on his table edge, not pressing my deployment area at all, and I think this hurt him. Noh are very melee oriented, especially since his list had two Berserker squads. I, of course, dropped Marie's marker and started blitzing my Wrecker along my side, headed for the farthest edge, which happened to be moving parallel to the edge I was standing on, and didn't have to get near his models at all. I did fire a shot at his leader, I can't remember her name. She redirected onto the Render. This mean that, even though it had the high armor, I just focused all of my attacks onto the Render, and was able to kill it. I think I had less than a dozen activations, and the game ended, 6-0 to me. I made a Darth Vader versus Obi Wan reference, which was missed, and I headed off to get the kids. I did point out that I think he started to far back, and didn't press forward enough to really get me into a position that favored him. I had plenty of room and the run of the board, which will always favor Cerci. Now that the league is started, I am definitely looking for a rematch.
After that, it was off to Genghiscon! I ran a Con Jr event that more than sold out, even with an increased player limit. It went really well, with all but one kid enjoying themselves. The one kid who didn't seem to have an awesome time, didn't enjoy himself because of his own attitude. He just didn't seem to want to play with others. Comments afterwards lead me to believe that this wasn't true for just my event, but the kid in general.
On Saturday, I had a ton of painting classes, and learned a lot. I also got to have some fun with the Ramada and some of their staff of idiocies. Then Saturday night, I ran my Zombie Crawl event. It went really well as well. I basically had a waiting list. That was unacceptable, so I had everyone who wanted to play, go buy a ticket, and we ran with 11 people. The larger group did bog things down a little, so I may run two back to back events next time. Other than that, it went really well. I had one guy who I think was a little upset that in the end I almost made it too easy for the girl to win, but as we were almost 6 hours in, I felt that letting it conclude would probably be the best idea. Beyond that, I think everyone had a great time, and I got plenty of positive feedback at the event.
Sunday morning I decided to stop the Wait List shenanigans and instead run a 4 man tournament. Yep, four people. Two whole rounds, and everyone got a prize. I am not overly happy with how my tournaments seem to be getting smaller and smaller. I am also not overly happy with my Painting award going to the only guy with a painted force. I think everyone had a great time and enjoyed their games. The has been some afterwards "oh, he was cheating" drama, since, but I don't know how much of that was just error on the person's part, the accusers limited understanding of the rules(or the accused), and what was legitimate cheating.
All in all, another great con. I will definitely be back. Though, if the change hotels, I won't cry many tears.
Thanks for catching up to February 15th with me. Later this week, I hope to catch up on the since Genghiscon stuff, then be able to do just my last week when I do some reports. But, we shall see...
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