Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Finally, some not Fantasy...

...and some Fantasy. A bit late on this one, having spent most of last week getting things ready for my sister's wedding. That also meant I wasn't down playing any games this last weekend. So, here is a quick run down of my two games two weeks previous. Game one was once again Fantasy versus Shea and his Skaven. For game two, I pulled out Leveticus versus Patrick's Nicodem for some Malifaux. I really need to stop doing that, but I start thinking who would work best for strategy versus Ressers, no brainer, Leveticus. And it pretty much wrecks Patrick's day, he hates Levy.

Game one was, of course, Fantasy. I am still at 1000 points, so that is what we played. We had a diagonal deployment, and Shea's Warlord overslept, so he was late to the party. Fortunately, my Ogres heard the word "party" and were very prompt. A little disappointed about the lack of cake, but, in some parts, Rat Tails are considered  a delicacy. The Gnoblars, howver, are notoriously lazy. As the Skaven formed up, the Ogres marched on to a far right flank, facing off against some spearmen, but out of the arc of his Rat Ogres, while his hand weapon squad delayed without a leader. The Leadbelchers flanked the Bulls, ready to pelt the Rat Ogres into putty. The Iron Blaster pumped up steam and circled far ahead and to the left, looking to come in a flank.

The Ogres chuckled softly as they watched the leaderless Skaven rush forward to the promise of cheese as their commander finally stumbled onto the field. As the Ratmen closed the Ogres rushed forward, opening the battle with a resounding crash as they collided with the foolish spearmen. In an unexpected show of insane courage the Skaven managed to hold in combat, for a while. However, as the Rat Ogres finally turned to face the melee, they broke and ran. My Ogres readied for the coming charge.

Surprising the charge was over and done not long after it started. The Rat Ogres charged in, lost a handler and two of their number, the remaining Handler made a hasty retreat and the dumb Rat Ogre followed, drooling everywhere. With a shrug and a chuckle, the Bulls turned to face the last stable unit of Skaven.

Bellowing yet another thunderous charge, the Bulls once more slammed into a unit of Ratmen. The Skaven, slipping on the remnants of their brethren, were only able to put up a feeble resistance, and soon, they too, were running off the field. The Ogres got busy collecting tails for the coming feast.

Leveticus had heard of a magma field that promised some good salvage. Unfortunately, Nicodem had also heard of the field, but for different properties. As they both made their way onto the field, they both knew it was time to claim their Squatter's Rights. Leveticus brought Alyce and a couple heavy lifters as both the Desolation Engine and Ashes and Dust were there. A couple of Waifes trailed along as well. Nicodem brought Mortimer, his own lifters, the Flesh Construct and Izamu, an Ashigaru and a Guild Autopsy for pretection, and two of his best sniffing hounds.

Rusty Alyce marked out Izamu for a past injustice, while Izamu remembered a dishonor from the Desolation Engine and was looking to return it, in pain. But as events unfolded, Izamu and the Flesh Construct  rushed forward towards separate markers and the Desolation Engine and Ashes and Dust went to meat them. Suspecting that the DE could hold Izamu for a turn and forgetting her Vendetta, Alyce turned on the Flesh Construct, killing it outright, raising a whoop from Alyce, right before she realized her own mission. However, she was correct that the DE could hold Izamu. More than, actually. And as her whoop echoed of the rocky walls, Izamu's armor crashed to the ground.

With two markers now secured by lumbering behemoths, Leveticus moved on Nicodem and his feeble guards. Nicodem's rotten dogs could smell the Desolation Engine and ran after it. The rest of Nico's entourage piled into Ashes and Dust and were able to separate the wind from the monstrosity, though it was able to coalesce once more and returned to reform. Nicodem, likely fearing reprisal from its death threw everything at it, even using the Ashigaru to push it into a wall. Ashes and Dust had it orders, though. Guard the marker. No reprisal would come from it, unless you stepped to close. Leveticus, however, was a different matter. And he began work turning Nico's minion into Abominations and sending them back towards Nicodem. Nico, feeling the tide come against him, took stock of the area. Sensing nothing nearby of immediate value, quickly wayed the cost of the venture versus the apparent lack of reward and decided to make a hasty retreat. Leveticus nodded with satisfaction and sent his new workers about, looking for scrap. Rusty Alyce growled and kicked Izamu's empty armor, cursing herself. She kicked it even harder after, in passing, Leveticus mentioned something about pieces and focus.

I tried something different this time, my previous bat reps seemed a bit dull. Please, let me know if you liked it, just drop in the comments below. I plan to make it down to gaming this weekend and I already have a request for another Fantasy game. I am of course open to near anything and will have my Malifaux, Relic Knights, 40K, Fantasy, and likely Dropzone with me.

Hope to see you across the table!

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