Monday, February 13, 2017

A Weekend of Space and Field

Well, I didn't end up going to Colorado Winter Invasion 2017. Partly I was sick, partly they had even numbers, and partly I just wussed. I was not idle, however. Instead, after sleep in quite late, I headed to Hobby Town and played Paul three games of X-Wing. Then, after more sleep, I ran a build your Blood Bowl team event at Hobby Town on Sunday.

I started out with a new Scum list, using a Protectorate Starfighter, loaded, Guri in her Starviper, loaded, and a Scyk with mangler cannon. Paul ran a Decimator, Night Beast, and 2 regular TIE Fighters. It did not go well for me. The Scyk went down early, and while Guri and Fen Rau(Starfighter) did work on the TIEs, they eventually failed against the Decimator.

Round 2, I switched out Guri for Talonbane, and moved the Advanced Proton Torpedoes over to Fen Rau. This one started out about the same, the Interceptor went down. I still did work on the TIEs, but the Decimator is a tough nut for me to crack. However, Talonbane was able to hold on and do just that, squeaking me a very tight win. Though, as you can see from the photo, he did with style, 5 hits on 5 dice.

Round 3, with how quick game two went we decided to keep lists and plow into another game. This likely led to Paul's downfall. Once again, Paul lined up to take down my Interceptor, but I was having none of it. So, I turned a hard right, bringing my Scyk over towards my other two ships, while they moved in to swoop into his side. This didn't really stall Paul, as he just turned to follow and bring me head on. It was a good move on my part, because I had more firepower in this game. As a result, I was able to rather handily pull out a quick win. In hindsight, I think giving Paul the time to tweak his list would have made a better game. His two blank TIEs really didn't do anything for him all day. The Decimator does an excellent job in his hands, but I think it needs some different, more supportive friends. Anyway, that was pretty much store close, so we cleaned up a little and headed home before Blood Bowl Sunday.

On Sunday I showed up, hoping for a decent turn out. I didn't really get one. It was just Paul, Dave, and I. I painted some on my Norse team, while Dave built his Humans. Paul showed up a little later, and worked on his Orcs while Dave and I played. It was a short game as Dave had to leave, just three turns each. But it those three turns I did some stuff. I snagged my first kill on one of his Blitzers and even scored a goal. This netted me a "win," but it really doesn't count as GW ignores the first 3 games. So, rerack with not enough time and I am playing Paul's Orcs. They have two Black Orc Blockers, which are big and scary and strength 4. Hmmmm.... Well, I started at one end, as he had the ball stashed way in his back field and just started knocking fools down, one by one. By the end, I had most of his line of scrimmage on their back, and had even pushed a runner up towards the ball. Turn two was much the same, he made to push forward, but with so much on the ground, he couldn't really press an advantage. On my second turn, I knocked some players back down, but not a lot else. I was running late, so we had to end it, I snagged my stuff and booked.

I am looking for rematches to both games, and I will also suggest that since the games don't count, the injuries shouldn't either. But, I am keeping my points, so thpppbbbbttttt.

I should have some WIP of both my Dropfleet and Norse up soon, but until then, keep on rolling.

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